माचिनो MDH-MO-12

ब्रांड माचिनो
इम्प्लीमेंट टाइप डिस्क हैरो
कैटेगरी जुताई
मॉडल MDH-MO-12
ट्रैक्टर पॉवर 30-35 एचपी

माचिनो MDH-MO-12 के बारे में

भारत में माचिनो MDH-MO-12 डिस्क हैरो की कीमत किसानों के बजट के अनुकूल है. यह डिस्क हैरो 30-35 एचपी रेंज के ट्रैक्टर्स के लिए उपयुक्त है.

The Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow is a popular choice on farms. Disc harrows, like this one, are mainly used to break up soil clods and get the soil ready for planting seeds. Besides being commonly used, this harrow is also reasonably priced and comes in different models. The MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow, which we'll talk about, is available at an affordable price. It works well with tractors that have a horsepower between 30 and 35.

Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow Top Specifications

The top specifications of this model are given below:

  • Weight: The overall weight of the disc harrow is 395 kg.
  • Disc Numbers and Dimension: The Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow is equipped with 12 discs and each disc is of diameter 560 X 4 (T).
  • Working Width: The working width of the Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow is 1420.
  • Bearing Hub: 4 (Heavy Duty) bearing hubs in the model MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow ensure smooth rotation of discs with minimal friction.
  • Disc Harrow Compatibility: The MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow from Machino can easily fit a tractor of 30-35 Horsepower, such as ACE DI 854 NG, Eicher 330, and others.

Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow Unique Features

The model MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow from Machino offers great features that make it affordable and, at the same time, profitable for farmers. Some of the top features are listed below:

  • The High-speed Pro Disc Harrow can be used in light and medium soil.
  • It can be quickly hitched to a tractor.

Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow Uses

The Machino MDH-MO-12, with its unique features, is of immense benefit to farmers. Some of the benefits are listed below:

  • It can be used for superficial ploughing in open field workings.
  • It is helpful in shattering soil clods, preparing soil for sowing, and burying crop residues.
  • The use of MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow ensures proper aeration of soil and elimination of weeds.
  • It can also be used for breaking the roots.

Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow Price in India 2025

The Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow price is budget friendly and easily fits the pocket of small and marginal farmers of India. Here at Tractorkarvan, be assured that you will get the best price that will make your farming profitable.

You can use compare implements feature to compare the Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow price with other disc harrow models like Machino MDH-MO-14, Machino MDH-MO-16 and others.

Why choose Tractorkarvan for Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow? 

In today's digital age, farmers, like everyone else, want a place where they can find everything easily. Whether it's information about different disc harrow brands, models, prices, or specifications, Tractorkarvan has it all in one spot. What's more, our platform makes it easy for you to get a loan with simple and low monthly payments, so you don't have to worry too much about money when buying an affordable disc harrow.

And that's not all – you can also find details about popular implements from well-known brands like Mahindra Implements, Swaraj Implements, and John Deere Implements.

और देखें

माचिनो MDH-MO-12 के मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशंस

ट्रैक्टर पॉवर 30-35 HP
डिस्क की संख्या 12
डिस्क टाइप Notched (Front) & Plain (Rear)
डिस्क साइज़ 560 X 4 (T) mm
वर्किंग विड्थ 1420 mm
डिस्क के बीच गैप 228 mm
बेयरिंग हब्स की संख्या 4
वजन 395 kg

अन्य डिस्क हैरो मॉडल्स

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डिस्क हैरो
80-90 एचपी
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अन्य जुताई इम्प्लीमेंट्स

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युवराज 3 फीट
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4 फीट रोटावेटर
35+ एचपी
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कम्पैटिबल ट्रैक्टर्स

माचिनो MDH-MO-12 पर अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

1. With which HP category the Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow is compatible?

The Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow is compatible with 30-35 HP tractors.

The price of MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow from Machino is within the budget of common farmers in India.

The number of discs provided in the Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow is 12 each.

At Tractorkarvan, you can find all the details, buy, and even find loan options for the Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow.

You can get the updated information on the Machino MDH-MO-12 Disc Harrow at Tractorkarvan.


माचिनो MDH-MO-12 इम्प्लीमेंट के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें


माचिनो MDH-MO-12 इम्प्लीमेंट के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें

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