लैंडफ़ोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54

ब्रांड लैंडफ़ोर्स
इम्प्लीमेंट टाइप रोटावेटर
वर्किंग विड्थ 8 फीट
मॉडल रोबस्टो RTH8MG54
ट्रैक्टर पॉवर 60 एचपी

लैंडफ़ोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 के बारे में

लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 रोटावेटर की कीमत किसानों के बजट के अनुकूल है. यह रोटावेटर 60 एचपी रेंज के ट्रैक्टर्स के लिए उपयुक्त है.

Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 is used for multiple soil functions, including levelling, puddling and pulverisation. Due to its durability and solid performance, Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 is preferred by Indian farmers.

Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 rotavator is one of the most used Landforce implements on farms. A rotavator implement is tractor-drawn tillage equipment which is used for breaking up and aerating the soil. It is a widely used farm equipment that prepares the land efficiently and is affordable.

Keep reading to learn more about the specifications, features, and Landforce RTH8MG54 rotavator’s benefits in detail.

Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 Rotavator Top Specifications

Robusto RTH8MG54 is a solid rotary tiller that comes with a robust build. It is perfect for all types of soil. Due to the Landforce RTH8MG54 rotavator’s weight, this rotavator has a durable structure. This 8 feet rotavator has 54 blades. Check out its top specifications:

  • Working Width: The working width of Robusto RTH8MG54 is 2438 MM.
  • Weight: This rotavator weight is 605 kg.
  • PTO Input: It requires a PTO input speed of 540 RPM or 1000 RPM.
  • Three-point Hitch: It is equipped with 3-point Hitch of category II.
  • Transmission Type: Robusto RTH8MG54 comes in Gear drive option for the side transmission type.
  • Rotavator compatibility: It is compatible with 60 HP tractors such as Powertrac Euro 60 and New Holland Excel 6010.

Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 Rotavator Unique Features

Robusto RTH8MG54 from Landforce comes with great features that make it a high-performance implement while being easy to operate. Learn more about its top features from the following list:

  • Three heavy-duty gear drives provide constant lubrication during work with the aid of a sealed oil unit. This ensures optimal performance even during extended and challenging soil tillage tasks.
  • By varying the height of the skids, modification of depth can be done accordingly.
  • Constructed from a triangular shape with careful welding, the hitch guarantees durability and resilience in different soil types and environmental conditions.
  • Its side disc ensures that it is suitable for hard soils.
  • The blades used are of high quality offering better performance.
  • The heavy-duty gear box can work for long times and require less maintenance.

Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 Rotavator Advantages

Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 Rotavator offers immense benefits to farmers. Learn about the key benefits of this model:

  • This model is popular for being a heavy-duty performer on any type of soil.
  • It is produced for deep tillage, mainly for banana and sugarcane fields.
  • It is known to provide higher performance through a different drive, speed and blade type combinations.
  • There is an added benefit of hassle-free and low maintenance.

Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 Rotavator Price in India 2025

The Landforce RTH8MG54 rotavator’s price is pocket friendly and easily fits the pocket of the average Indian farmer. At Tractorkarvan, you will get the best Landforce RTH8MG54 rotavator’s price, making your farming lucrative. 

You can even buy this Landforce rotavator on loan and later pay it on easy EMIs with the help of a facility available on Tractorkarvan.

Besides, you can use the compare implement feature to compare different 8 feet rotavator models such as Garud Supremo 249060 and Swan Agro Super NSESU RT 250.

Why choose Tractorkarvan for Landforce Robusto RTH8MG54 Rotavator?

In this digital age, farmers also seek a platform that offers everything in a single place. Be it a rotavator or any other agriculture machinery, you will get all information regarding the popular implements, and specifications in one place.

Visit Tractorkarvan to know about the implements of different brands like Lancer, Garud, and Swan Agro, among others.

और देखें

लैंडफ़ोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 के मुख्य स्पेसिफिकेशंस

ट्रैक्टर पॉवर 60 HP
कुल लंबाई 2489 mm
वर्किंग विड्थ 2438 mm
3 पॉइंट लिंकेज CAT-II
L ब्लेड्स की संख्या 54
साइड ट्रांसमिशन टाइप Gear Drive
रोटर शाफ्ट स्पीड @ 540 RPM 180-220 rpm
अधिकतम वर्किंग डेप्थ 150 mm
वजन 605 kg
पीटीओ इनपुट 540/1000 rpm
गियर बॉक्स Multi Speed

अन्य रोटावेटर मॉडल्स

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ट्रैक्टर इम्प्लीमेंट्स

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8 फीट रोटावेटर
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कम्पैटिबल ट्रैक्टर्स

लैंडफ़ोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 पर अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

1. लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 रोटावेटर के लिए कितने एचपी रेंज के ट्रैक्टर्स उपयुक्त हैं?

लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 रोटावेटर के लिए 60 एचपी रेंज के ट्रैक्टर्स उपयुक्त हैं.

लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 रोटावेटर ट्रैक्टरकारवां पर किफायती मूल्य पर उपलब्ध है.

आप लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 के बारे में नवीनतम जानकारी ट्रैक्टरकारवां के वेबसाइट से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं.

लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 रोटावेटर की वर्किंग विड्थ 2438 मिमी होती है.

लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 रोटावेटर का वजन 605 किलोग्राम होता है.

ट्रैक्टरकारवां पर, आप लैंडफोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 रोटावेटर खरीद सकते हैं.


लैंडफ़ोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 इम्प्लीमेंट के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें


लैंडफ़ोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 इम्प्लीमेंट के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें

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लैंडफ़ोर्स रोबस्टो RTH8MG54 इम्प्लीमेंट के बारे में अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें

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