Sarkari Yojana

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana: Objectives, Features and Benefits

Updated on 09th February, 2024, By Akshay Pokharkar
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana: Objectives, Features and Benefits
The primary objective of PKVY is to encourage farmers to adopt and promote organic farming. The program aims to protect human health, soil quality and the environment by minimising synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.

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Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) is a flagship program launched by the Government of India to promote sustainable agricultural practices through organic farming. The program aims to enhance soil fertility, reduce the dependence on chemical inputs, and support farmers in adopting natural farming techniques. Let us explore the objectives, features, and benefits of the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana.

PKVY was launched in 2015 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) under the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). The scheme aims to promote traditional and organic farming practices across the country. The term "Paramparagat" in Hindi translates to "traditional," emphasising the focus on indigenous and sustainable agricultural techniques.

Funding Pattern of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

The funding distribution within the program follows a specific pattern. The Central and State Governments share the funding in a 60:40 ratio. However, in the context of North-Eastern and Himalayan States, the funding is provided at a 90:10 ratio (Centre: State). The central assistance is 100% for Union Territories.

Objectives of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

PKVY encourages and supports farmers to transition from conventional farming to organic farming practices. This shift reduces the use of synthetic chemicals and promotes sustainable agriculture. The Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana has several key objectives:

  • Promoting organic farming: The primary objective of PKVY is to encourage farmers to adopt and promote organic agriculture practices. The program aims to protect human health, soil quality and the environment by minimising synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.
  • Technology: It aims to promote the spread of cutting-edge organic farming techniques. Farmers must have access to the latest knowledge and best practices in organic farming.
  • Expertise: The scheme works to leverage the expertise of specialists within India's public agricultural research system.
  • Cluster Approach: PKVY adopts a cluster-based approach where groups of farmers practising similar traditional farming methods come together to receive support and training. This promotes cooperation and knowledge sharing among farmers.

Features of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

The scheme aims to safeguard traditional farming knowledge and practices that have been passed down through generations. It seeks to integrate these methods into modern farming for increased resilience and sustainability. Its key features include:

  • Certification support: PKVY provides support to farmers for obtaining organic certification. This certification helps farmers gain recognition for their organic produce, fetch better prices in the market, and open avenues for export opportunities.
  • Technical assistance: The program offers technical assistance through training programs, field demonstrations, and exposure visits. Experts provide guidance on organic farming techniques, pest & disease management, and the use of organic inputs.
  • Promotion of indigenous breeds and traditional crops: PKVY also promotes the conservation and cultivation of indigenous seeds, traditional crops, and local breeds of livestock. This helps in preserving agro-biodiversity and ensures farmers have access to diverse and resilient crops and livestock.
  • Livelihood Improvement: The scheme aims to improve the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers by increasing yields, reducing production costs, and creating market opportunities for organic produce.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: By supporting traditional practices, the scheme contributes to biodiversity conservation. Traditional farming often involves crop diversity, promoting ecological balance.

Approach of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

The selected cluster for Organic Farming should ideally comprise 20 hectares or 50 acres of land, organised in as contiguous a shape as feasible.

The overall financial support allocated for a 20-hectare, or 50-acre cluster is capped at a maximum of INR 10 lakhs for individual farmer members. Additionally, there is an allocation of INR 4.95 lakhs for PGS Certification and mobilisation, with a subsidy limit of one ha for each farmer.

Among the entire farmer population within a cluster, at least 65% of farmers should ideally belong to the small and marginal category. If this requirement cannot be met at the cluster level, efforts should be made to fulfil it at the Mandal/Taluka/Block or District level wherever possible.

A minimum of 30% of the budget allocation must be specifically allocated for the benefit of women beneficiaries or women farmers.

Benefits of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

PKVY offers several benefits which have been discussed below:

Health and Environmental Benefits

By reducing or eliminating the use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, PKVY promotes healthier food production systems. Organic farming practices are known to produce food with fewer chemical residues, ensuring a safer and healthier diet for consumers. Additionally, organic farming helps in reducing soil and water pollution, thus benefiting the environment.

Increased Income

Organic produce often commands premium prices in the market due to its perceived health and environmental benefits. By adopting organic farming practices, farmers can fetch higher prices for their produce, resulting in increased income and improved livelihoods.

Sustainable Agriculture

PKVY contributes to the overall sustainability of agriculture. By promoting natural farming methods, the program helps in conserving soil fertility, conserving water, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and preserving biodiversity.

Reduced Input Costs

Organic farming relies on natural inputs, which are generally cheaper than synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. By reducing reliance on chemical inputs, PKVY helps farmers save on input costs, thereby improving profitability.


The Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana is a pioneering initiative by the Indian Government to promote sustainable and organic farming practices. Through its objectives of promoting organic farming, enhancing soil fertility, conserving resources, and empowering farmers, PKVY aims to transform agricultural practices in the country.

The features of the program, such as the cluster-based approach, certification support, and technical assistance, ensure its effective implementation and success. The benefits of PKVY range from improved health and environmental outcomes to increased income and reduced input costs for farmers. By embracing organic farming through PKVY, India charts a path towards sustainable agriculture, ensuring a better future for both farmers and consumers.

Akshay Pokharkar
Published By
Akshay Pokharkar
Akshay holds a B.Tech in agriculture engineering from Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth. He is an expert in tractors and implements. With over 6 years of experience in the tractor industry, he is known to simplify even the most complex technical things. An avid YouTuber by choice, he is currently working as a Senior Content Manager.
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