
Best Implements for Conservation Tillage in India

Updated on 09th February, 2024, By Arpit Srivastava
Best Implements for Conservation Tillage in India
Conservation tillage is an environmentally friendly method of farming that involves reduction in the frequency or intensity of tilling the land. This method intends to achieve the objective of soil protection with the help of implements like zero till, happy seeder, mulcher, and ridger, among others.

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Farmers are increasingly turning to conservation tillage, a sustainable approach in modern farming method. It is crucial in India, where farming plays a vital role in the economy. Conservation tillage helps protect the soil and enhance productivity. In this blog, we will look at some of the top implements used for conservation tillage in India.

Top Implements for Conservation Tillage in India

The list of top implements for conservation tillage in India are zero till, mulcher, ridger, chisel plough, precision planter, happy seeder, and super seeder. Let us see each one in detail in the sections given below.

Zero Till

Best Implements for Conservation Tillage - Zero Till

Zero Till implement is the main implement for zero tillage, or no-till farming. It plants crops without disturbing the soil first. It helps keep water in the soil, prevents soil from washing away, and keeps the soil healthy.


  • Protecting Soil: Zero tillage does not disturb the soil much, which means less risk of soil washing away, and the soil stays in good shape.
  • Holding Water: By leaving old plant parts on the field, zero tillage keeps the soil wet, which is especially important in places where rain is unpredictable.
  • Saving Time and Money: Zero tillage means farmers do not have to go over the field multiple times, saving time and fuel.


Best Implements for Conservation Tillage - Mulcher

Mulcher Implement is used to cut up leftover plant parts and spread them on the ground. It helps keep moisture in the soil, controls temperature and breaks down plant leftovers.


  • Stopping Weeds: Mulching prevents weeds by making it hard for them to grow, reducing the need for weed-killing chemicals.
  • Saving Moisture: Mulch keeps the soil wet, which is important for crops, especially when it is not raining.
  • Better Soil Fertility: When old plant material breaks down, it makes the soil richer and helps tiny organisms in the soil.


Best Implements for Conservation Tillage - Ridger

Ridger Implement is used to make raised lines or grooves in the soil, usually for planting crops or controlling how water moves. They are important in conservation farming because they disturb the soil in a controlled way.


  • Water Control: Ridgers help direct how water moves, preventing too much water from staying in one place and helping in using water efficiently.
  • Aeration in the Soil: Making ridges improves how air moves through the soil, which is good for the roots of plants and helps them get nutrients.
  • Stopping Erosion: By disturbing the soil in a controlled way, ridgers reduce the chance of soil being washed away, keeping the soil strong and healthy.


Best Implements for Conservation Tillage - Rotavator

Rotavator Implement, also known as rotary tillers, is a machine with spinning blades that help get the soil ready. It is good at breaking up the soil and mixing in old plant parts.


  • Seedbed Preparation: Rotavators make the soil just right for seeds to grow well and plants to thrive.
  • Weed Control: By mixing old plant parts into the soil, rotavators help keep weeds from growing.
  • Time Efficiency: Rotavators are quick and save time and effort compared to the traditional methods of farming.

Precision Planter

Best Implements for Conservation Tillage - Precision Planter

Precision Planter is a high-tech machine that plant seeds exactly where they need to be. It helps with conservation tillage by placing seeds accurately and not disturbing too much soil.


  • Optimal Plant Spacing: Precision planters make sure seeds are evenly spaced so crops grow uniformly.
  • Reduced Seed Waste: These machines place seeds accurately, reducing waste and using resources efficiently.
  • Minimum Soil Disturbance: Precision planters only disturb the soil where seeds go, keeping the rest of the soil intact.

Happy Seeder

Best Implements for Conservation Tillage - Happy Seeder

Happy Seeder are machines that do two things at once: they plant seeds directly into untilled soil and chop up leftover plant parts. This happens all in one go.


  • One-Step Process: Happy seeders do both planting and chopping in a single pass, saving time and resources.
  • Residue Management: They cut up and spread leftover plants, lowering the chance of pests and diseases sticking around.
  • Conservation of Soil Moisture: Happy seeders help keep the soil wet by leaving leftover plants on the soil surface.

Super Seeder

Best Implements for Conservation Tillage - Super Seeder

Super Seeder implement till the soil, plant seeds, and put fertilizer, all in one go. They are made to be efficient and save resources.


  • Time Efficiency: Super seeders do many jobs in one pass, making the work faster and using less labour.
  • Conservation of Resources: By doing multiple jobs together, super seeders mean farmers don't need different tools and use less fuel.
  • Enhanced Seed Placement: These tools make sure seeds are planted exactly where they should be, helping crops grow evenly.


Using new tools and methods in farming is transforming the agricultural landscape in India. The best implements for conservation tillage, including zero till, mulcher, ridger, chisel plough, precision planter, happy seeder, and super seeder, offer sustainable solutions for soil health, water conservation, and overall productivity. As farmers start using these tools, the future of farming in India looks like it will be more eco-friendly, strong, and successful. Bringing together what we already know about farming with these new technologies is making agriculture in India better.

Arpit Srivastava
Published By
Arpit Srivastava
Arpit holds a B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology. He is a professional content writer having skillset of writing top quality research based content for various niche and industries. With over 7 years of experience, he holds expertise in writing SEO-friendly content on a wide range of topics related to agriculture, tractors, and farm implements. In his free time, he loves to explore new places, try different cuisines, and play sports like cricket and badminton.
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