
Different Types of Threshers in India: Which One Should You Choose?

Updated on 09th February, 2024, By Arpit Srivastava
Different Types of Threshers in India: Which One Should You Choose?
Thresher machines are essential for separating grains from chaffs as they help save time and cost. But which thresher is suitable to you depends on the type of crop and budget. Essentially, threshers in India come in four major types – Haramba Threshers, Basket Threshers, Single Crop Threshers, and Multi-crop Threshers.

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Kharif season crops have been harvested, and now is the time to separate the grains from the chaff with the help of thresher machines. But which thresher to choose for the purpose might need to be clarified. The suitable thresher machine depends upon the crop you want to thresh, the nature of threshing required and the budget, among other things. This blog will delve into four significant types of thresher machines used in India to thresh crops. It will go a long way in enabling you to decide upon a suitable threshing machine.

Different Types of Thresher Machines

Four different types of threshers are used in India. Haramba Threshers, Basket Threshers, Single Crop Threshers, and Multi-Crop Threshers. Let us see one by one.

Haramba Thresher

Types of Thresher Machine - Haramba

Haramba Thresher is a cost-effective machine for threshing different crops like wheat, barley, and pulses. They have a sturdy and robust build. Its rugged design and precision in separating grains make it a reliable companion during crop threshing. 

Key Features

  • It can handle a wide variety of crops with greater efficiency.
  • Its advanced threshing mechanism comprises automatic feeding, a threshing unit, cylinders, sharp cutting blades, and two aspirator blowers, ensuring higher crop yields.
  • The seed collection in these threshing machines is highly efficient as they have a bagging and shaking unit for seed collection and an elevator for seed loading to a trolley.
  • The gearbox of Haramba Threshers is rugged and dependable, giving it a long and durable life.
  • Haramba Threshers require a tractor of 35+ HP to operate, and their threshing capacity ranges from 1 tonne to 1.8 tonne.

Key brands offering Haramba Threshers include Mahindra Wheat Thresher HarambaManku Haramba Thresher Deluxe, and Golden Punjab Haramba Thresher GP03.

Basket Thresher

Types of Thresher Machine - Basket

A Basket Thresher is a versatile machine designed for multi-crop threshing. Its ability to handle up to 20 different crops, including wheat and paddy, makes it a valuable addition for farmers with diverse cropping patterns.

Key Features

  • It is typically equipped with a basket or bucket-type mechanism for threshing grains.
  • It requires less time and cost to separate grains from chaff. 
  • It comprises quality blades, robust rotors, high-quality bearings, nets, and fans. All these make it easy to operate and enhance production efficiency.
  • The essential advantage of this machine is that farmers remain safe while putting the grains in the basket as they can quickly put them by standing from outside.
  • The grains can be separated from the chaff with greater efficiency because these machines throw the straw 20 to 25 feet away from the machine.
  • They require a 35 – 50 HP tractor to operate, and its threshing capacity ranges from 2 to 2.5 tonnes per hour.

Key brands offering Basket Threshers are Reinforce Basket ThresherHarnam Multi Crop Basket Model, and Mahindra Basket Thresher.

Single Crop Thresher

Types of Thresher Machine - Single Crop

As the name suggests, a single crop thresher can thresh only one crop. As a result, they can be further categorised into Paddy Threshers, Wheat Threshers, and Maize Threshers.

Key Features

  • They are designed to thresh a particular type of crop (e.g., wheat, rice, barley). This specialisation allows for optimised performance for a specific crop.
  • It is equipped with a threshing mechanism tailored to the characteristics of the targeted crop.
  • Its capacity is designed to handle the expected volume of the specific crop efficiently.
  • It is built with durable materials to withstand the demands of threshing a particular crop.
  • It requires a tractor of power ranging from 30 – 50 HP depending on the type of crop to be threshed.

Many brands offer single-crop threshers. The popular single crop threshers include Swan Agro Paddy ThresherReinforce Maize Thresher, and Harnam Wheat Thresher.

Multi Crop Thresher

Types of Thresher Machine - Multi Crop

Multi-crop threshers are versatile machines that can thresh multiple crops, ranging from paddy and pulses to ground nuts. They are robust and sturdy and come in different types, like multi-crop basket and haramba threshers.

Key Features

  • It can thresh multiple crops, such as wheat, rice, barley, maize, and others, making it suitable for diverse farming operations.
  • It has adjustable settings to accommodate variations in crop size, moisture content, and other factors for different types of crops.
  • It has a versatile threshing mechanism that can effectively process various grains without significant adjustments.
  • It is designed with a capacity that can handle the expected volumes of different crops efficiently.
  • It is designed for easy maintenance, with accessible parts for cleaning and repairs, allowing farmers to transition between crops with minimal downtime.

Many brands in the market offer multi-crop threshers, and popular models are Mahindra Paddy Multi-Crop and Guru Nanak High Capacity Multi Crop Thresher.


In conclusion, choosing a suitable thresher is crucial for optimising the Kharif crop harvest. This blog's top 5 thresher types cater to various crops, farm sizes, and operational needs. Whether you are a wheat farmer, paddy cultivator, or maise grower, these threshers offer innovative and reliable solutions to streamline the post-harvest process. Consider the specific requirements of your farm, the crops you cultivate, and the scale of your operations to make an informed decision. With a suitable thresher, you can ensure a timely and efficient Kharif crop harvest, setting the stage for a thriving agricultural season.

Arpit Srivastava
Published By
Arpit Srivastava
Arpit holds a B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology. He is a professional content writer having skillset of writing top quality research based content for various niche and industries. With over 7 years of experience, he holds expertise in writing SEO-friendly content on a wide range of topics related to agriculture, tractors, and farm implements. In his free time, he loves to explore new places, try different cuisines, and play sports like cricket and badminton.
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