Compare Powertrac 439 RDX VS Powertrac Euro 47 Powerhouse
Should you buy Powertrac 439 RDX or Powertrac Euro 47 Powerhouse? Find out the best tractor for your requirements based on price, engine power, transmission, features and other specifications. The Powertrac 439 RDX is a 39 HP tractor, whereas Powertrac Euro 47 Powerhouse is a 50 HP tractor. The Powertrac 439 RDX price is INR 620,000 , whereas the Powertrac Euro 47 Powerhouse price is INR 750,000.
Powertrac 439 RDX vs Powertrac Euro 47 Powerhouse
Key HighlightsPowertrac 439 RDXPowertrac Euro 47 Powerhouse
AccessoriesTools, Bumper, Ballast Weight, Top Link, Canopy
Additional FeaturesMetallic Paint, Heavy Duty BumperSuspended Pedals, Heavy Duty Front Axle, Metallic Euro Paint, Stylish Single Piece Bonnet, Care24x7