Brand | Powertrac Tractors |
No. Of Cylinders | 3 |
HP Category | 41 HP |
Gear Box | Constant Mesh |
Brakes | Oil Immersed Brakes |
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx has a 3-cylinder engine which delivers a power output of 41 HP @ 2200 RPM. It has an oil bath-type air filter. It has a single clutch and a constant mesh gearbox with 8F+2R gear speeds. It comes with a center shift gear lever.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx has oil-immersed multi-disc brakes and mechanical/power steering.
It has a PTO speed of 540 RPM. It features Sensi-1 hydraulics with a lifting capacity of 1600 kg.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx comes with 6 X 16 front tyre size and 16.9 X 28 rear tyre size.
The total weight of Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx is 1850 kg. It has a wheelbase of 2040 mm and a ground clearance of 400 mm.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx features a powerful lift, Care24x7 service, heavy-duty tow hook, inboard reduction rear axle, bumper, ballast weight, top link, canopy, etc.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx comes with a warranty period of 5 years.
Sonalika DI 42 and Mahindra 415 DI SP Plus are the major competitors to Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx price in India starts at INR 6,80,000* (Ex-Showroom). However, the on-road price will differ from state to state due to different factors such as state taxes, subsidies, RTO charges, etc. You can take out a tractor loan to buy this model using Tractorkarvan's easy EMI options.
Tractorkarvan has the best deals in the market. Here, you can get all the details of Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx with its updated price, HP and other features. We also have a compare tractor tool on the platform to help you compare and buy the best tractor. You can also buy a Second-hand Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx from us. Moreover, you may also watch Powertrac Tractor Videos to make a better decision regarding your purchase.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx is a powerful tractor that performs excellently in the field. It can work with implements like a rotavator, cultivator, trolley and harrow. It comes with a better lifting capacity than its previous models. There is no issue of front lifting in this tractor when working with a trolley. It has a large wheelbase and ground clearance for better stability. The brand has also given 24X7 care assistance to resolve farmers’ issues quickly. It also features a powerful lift, heavy-duty tow hook, inboard reduction rear axle, bumper, canopy, etc. However, the brand could have given a dry-type air filter and dual-clutch in the tractor. But, overall, it is a power booster in this HP segment, so we definitely suggest you buy this tractor for all your farming needs.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx price in India starts at INR 6,80,000* (Ex-Showroom).
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx HP is 41.
Sonalika DI 42 and Mahindra 415 DI SP Plus are the major competitors to Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx has 8F+2R gear speeds.
Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx weighs 1850 kg.
Yes, you can buy Powertrac 439 Plus Loadmaxx at attractive interest rates from Tractorkarvan.