Apple is one of the most crucial temperate fruits and the fourth largest produced fruit worldwide after banana, orange and grape. Its scientific name is Malus pumila. India is among the top ten apple-producing countries in the world. China is the largest producer of apples worldwide. Moreover, India is a big player in the export of apples worldwide. The estimated apple production in India was around 2250 thousand metric tons in 2024-25. The total area under cultivation for apple was 3.26 lakh hectares during 2024-25. The estimated earnings of India through the export of apples were around 10665.16 lakhs rupees in 2020-21.
Red Delicious is one of India's widely cultivated apple species, growing in different regions of Himachal Pradesh. This apple has a red exterior and a sweet but very mild flavour. Its flesh is juicy and has a light crispness. It is available throughout the year and primarily grown for table purposes.
Golden Delicious is a large-sized and yellowish-green-skinned cultivar. This variety is widely grown in the Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh regions. It is a preferred variety for table and processing purposes. It is prone to bruising and shrivelling and requires careful handling and storage. This variety is widely used in salads, apple butter, and apple sauces.
The Mclntosh apple variety is a medium-sized fruit with attractive dark red or crimson colours. It generally tastes sweet but with refreshing acidity and a hint of wine, which is why it is also called "vinous." This variety is widely grown in the Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh areas.
The Chaubattia Anupam variety is also a medium-sized fruit with a shining yellow colour with red strips. The fruits of this variety have a crispy white flesh and taste sweet. It is widely grown in the regions of Uttar Pradesh.
The Lal Ambri variety is developed from the cross between Red Delicious and Ambri. It has smooth skin and is available in a bright-dark red colour. Its pulp is creamy white and features a mild, sweet, and juicy taste. This variety is widely cultivated in the Kashmir valley.
Jammu & Kashmir is the largest producer of apples in India, followed by Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. As per the data published by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, the state-wise production in the country in 2021-22 is shown in the below table:
States |
Area (in thousand Ha) |
Production (in thousand MT) |
Productivity (MT/Ha) |
Jammu & Kashmir |
167.10 |
1719.42 |
10.29 |
Himachal Pradesh |
114.65 |
481.06 |
4.20 |
Uttarakhand |
25.98 |
64.88 |
2.50 |
These three states together produce 99.42% of the total apple production in the country. The other important states with negligible contribution are Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Tamil Nadu.
The cultivation of apples involves different stages. Let's discuss each stage one by one:
Apple cultivation requires loamy soils with a pH value of 5.5 to 6.5. The soil should be rich in organic matter and have proper drainage and aeration.
Apples are grown in Himalayan regions with an altitude of 1500 to 2700 meters above sea level. The ideal temperature during the growing season should be around 21 to 24° C, and the region should receive an annual rainfall of 100 to 125 cm.
The ideal plantation time for apple plants is from January to February. Apples plants are propagated using the grafting method.
The average number of grafts in an area of one hectare can range between 200 to 1250. The spacing is divided into four categories: low (less than 250 grafts/ha), moderate (250-500 grafts/ha), high (500-1250 grafts/ha), and ultra-high density (more than 1250 grafts/ha).
Planting is usually done in square or hexagonal systems in the valleys where contour method is usually applied on the slopes.
Farm Yard Manure in a quantity of 10 kg/year (age of the tree) should be provided along with other fertilizers. The N, P and K ratio of 70:35:70 gram/year (age of the tree) should be provided in an orchard of optimal fertility. The dose should be stabilized at 700:350:700 grams after 10 years of age.
In the "off" years, when the crop load is low, the N, P and K fertilizer dose should be 500 grams, 250 grams, and 400 grams, respectively.
Apple cultivation requires at least 114 cm per annum of water, which can be scheduled in 15 to 20 irrigations. During summers, irrigation should be offered every 7 to 10 days, whereas during winters, it should be offered every 3 to 4 weeks.
During the critical phase, which is from April to August, at least eight irrigations should be provided.
Training and pruning should be done in time for better growth and productivity. The plants should be trained according to the growth habitat and vigour of the rootstocks. The trees are trained on a modified central leader system that gives the plant proper exposure to sunlight. This enhances the fruit colour and reduces the effect of heavy snowfall and hail.
Pruning is important as it helps maintain a proper balance between spur development and vegetative growth. Pruning of weak and undesirable branches is required after six years of plantation.
Glyphosate or Gammaxone /Paraquat can be used as a post-emergence herbicide to control weed growth for 4 to 5 months.
Mulching with hay or black alkathene can help control weeds in cool conditions and conserve moisture. Using oak leaves or dry grass can also help in preventing soil moisture.
The cultivation of green manure crops, such as sunflowers and beans, is recommended in the early years of the plantation as they can help improve the soil's nutrient status and enhance soil texture.
The use of growth hormones can help in good flowering and proper colouration in fruits.
The economic life of an apple tree is more than 30 years. The orchard starts bearing fruit during the eighth year of the plantation. Productivity keeps on increasing from the 8th to the 17th year, and after that, it remains constant for 30 years. Apple is a climacteric fruit whose maturity period does not overlap with ripening. Apples usually get harvested before they are fully ripe.
The post-harvesting of apples is done in three stages: pre-cooling, grading, and storage.
Once the harvesting is done, the fruits are kept in a ventilated and cool place to remove the field heat. The fruit surface must be moisture-free before the grading process.
Grading is done based on the fruit size, appearance, and quality. They are manually graded in 6 grades based on fruit size and three or more quality grades based on shape, colour, appearance and quality.
After grading, apples are stored in an ideal cool and dry storage. They have a longer storage life than other fruits and can be stored for 4 to 8 months after harvesting. Apples can be stored in cold storage with a temperature of around 1.1° C to 0° C and a humidity level of 85 to 90%.
Jammu & Kashmir is the largest producer of apples in India with more than 70% share.
There are five major types of apples: red delicious, golden delicious, Mclntosh, Chaubattia Anupam, and lal ambri.
Apple is a pome fruit.
As per the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Red Delicious is the best type of apple.
Apple has economic benefits as well as health benefits. The consumption of apple help improve digestion, reduces heart attack and cancer risks, among others.