Poultry farming is the process of rearing and hatching of chicken breeds to consume meat and eggs. In this farming, the initial investment is very low, and the rearing period is 6-7 weeks only. It also gives a quick return on the investment to the business owners. Poultry meat is highly popular in India, even more than goat/sheep meat. India witnessed a yearly production of 41.06 billion eggs and 1000 million broilers and stands out at the 4th largest producer of eggs and the 5th largest producer of poultry broilers in the world. Below are the popular types of chicken breeds in India.
Originating in the United States, New Hampshire is a dual-purpose breed developed from Rhode red chicken varieties. This variety produces more meat than Rhode Red. This breed has an average weight of 2.9-3.9 kg. It is mostly common for meat rather than egg production. They lay around 15-200 eggs in a year. This variety has a deep, broad body with a dark chestnut colour. The newborns are light red in colour. This chicken variety is the most beautiful among all, with red-brown feathers. They are not very aggressive in nature and are tolerant and friendly to humans.
Rhode Island Red is the most popular variety that originated in the United States. The colour of Rhode Island Chicken is dark red to mahogany. The weight of cock is 3.85 kg, and the hen is 2.95 kg. This breed gives 250-255 eggs in a year, and the average weight of one egg is 53-55 g. These chicken varieties produce brown-coloured eggs, and these eggs are a great source of protein.
The leghorn variety is found all over the regions of India, and it is popular for its egg production. It gives white colour eggs and has an average of 55 g. This breed has a small and light body. The male leghorn has 2.4-2.7 kg, and the female leghorn has 2.0-2.3 kg of average weight. It has white colour feathers, a yellow skin colour and white or cream colour ears.
Asil or Aseel is known for its fighting qualities in India. It has a long and slender face, which is not covered with feathers, compact eyes, a long neck, a small tail, and strong and straight legs. This variety has high stamina and pugnacity. This breed is mainly found in the parts of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. The cocks have 4-5 kg, and the hen has 3-4 kg overall weight. This breed is known for its high-quality meat and is bad in egg production. The most popular varieties are peela (golden red), yarkin (black and red), Nurie 89 (white), kagar (black), chitta (black and white silver), Teekar (brown) and Reza (light red).
The real name of the Kadaknath breed is Kalamasi, which means a fowl with black flesh. Kadaknath is a native of India and was found in Madhya Pradesh. It is quite popular for the taste of its meat, which is black in colour. It has black legs, black toenails, a black comb, a black beak and black bones. This breed has light brown-coloured eggs and an average of 80 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 46.8 g. The bird is resistant to diseases in its natural habitat in free range but is more prone to Marek's disease under intensive rearing conditions.
This variety originated and was raised for centuries in England. It is a dual-purpose breed and is popular for both its meat and eggs. They are adaptable to different climates and environments. They have white skin, single comb and red earlobes. Their feathers are soft and have different colours, such as white, red, brown, silver, etc. The most common variety is speckled Sussex, which has a mahogany colour with white spots. They produce around 250 eggs per year, which are cream to light brown in colour.
The most used broiler chicken breed is White Plymouth Rock. This breed has an amazing taste in its meat and eggs; hence, it is a dual-purpose breed. This breed has a large and wide body with round chest. It has bright red colour ear lobes, a single comb, yellow colour legs and a yellow or horn-coloured beak. The male Plymouth Rock has an average weight of 3.4 kg, and the female Plymouth Rock has 2.95 kg of weight.
The Minorca breed was developed in England from imported Castilian fowl from Spain. They are known for laying (they lay large eggs) and meat production. Their eggs are white in colour. These chickens are black, white and blue in colour and have soft feathers. The cock has an average weight of 3.2- 4.1 kg, and the hen has a 2.7 - 3.6 kg weight.
Ancona is named after the eastern Italian City of Ancona. This breed is known for its remarkable comb and dashing looks. The cock has a weight of around 2.7-2.95 kg, and the hen has 2.25-2.5 kg weight. This breed produces white eggs.
The Orpington breed is a dual-purpose breed reared for both meat and eggs. It is one of the most good-looking chicken breeds, which has soft feathers, bright colours and soft contours. It is also popular as a show bird. This breed produces large eggs that taste very good and are in a light brown colour. They are also tolerant to cold temperatures. These come in two sizes- large fowl and bantam. The male chicken weighs approximately 3.60-4.55 kg, and the female chicken weighs approx. 2.70-3.60 kg.
These were all the top 10 best chicken breeds in India with their characteristics, roles and physical features. If you are planning to start poultry farming, read our blog “How to start a poultry farm in India” to get detailed information regarding poultry farming. Moreover, stay tuned with Tractorkarvan for more poultry farming-related blogs.
There are different types of chicken breeds available in India, such as Asil, New Hampshire, Leghorn, Kadaknath and White Plymouth Rock.
Kadaknath is the most expensive chicken in India.
Desi chickens usually live up to 6-7 years.
The broiler chickens have an average lifespan of 7-8 years.