
Top 5 Implements for Land Preparation in Agriculture

Updated on 09th February, 2024, By Akshay Pokharkar
Top 5 Implements for Land Preparation in Agriculture
India ranks among the top 5 nations in the global agriculture sector. The agriculture sector has seen rapid growth in the country, and farm implements have played a major role in it. The top implements used for land preparation in India are Puddler, Ridger, Laser Land Leveler, Box Blade, and Check Basin Former.

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The use of modern tools to prepare the land has become really important in today's world. Farmers are always looking for ways to be more efficient, grow better crops, and do farming that's good for the environment. That's why new tools are being made to help with getting the land ready for planting.

In this blog, we'll talk about five important tools that farmers widely use in India. These tools are changing how we farm, making it more precise and sustainable. From making the land just right to saving water, each tool is a big part of growing crops in a good way. The top five implements that have proven to be indispensable for farmers worldwide are the Puddler, Ridger, Laser Land Leveler, Box Blade, and Check Basin Former.

Top Implements Used for Land Preparation in Farming

The top implements which are used for the preparation of land in farming are:

1. Puddler: Enhancing Soil Structure and Water Management


The Puddler, also known as a rotary puddler or puddling machine, is very important in growing rice, especially in places where there are a lot of paddy fields. This tool is made to break up big pieces of soil and make a smooth, wet layer in the rice fields. Puddling helps in a few ways:

Keeping Water in the Fields

Puddling makes a tight layer that keeps water in the fields, which is important for growing rice where there's usually water.

Stopping Weeds

The smooth layer made by puddling stops weeds from growing, helping to control them and making sure the rice plants get all the nutrients they need.

Giving More Air to the Soil

Breaking up the soil and making it tight with puddling helps air get into the soil, making it better for the roots of the rice plants.

Helping Nutrients Stay

Puddling can stop important nutrients from washing away, making sure the rice plants can use them for growing.

2. Ridger: Shaping the Landscape for Optimal Crop Growth:


The Ridger, also called a ridge plough or bed former, is a tool made to create raised lines or beds in fields. This tool is useful for different crops, like vegetables and plants you grow in gardens. The main jobs of a Ridger are:

Getting the Soil Ready for Seeds

The Ridger makes raised lines or beds, making a good place for seeds to go and grow properly.

Letting Water Go Away

The raised lines made by the Ridger help water go away from the fields, stopping too much water from staying and letting the soil get air.

Stopping Weeds

Making ridges helps to control weeds by giving crops a specific space to grow. It makes it easier to manage and control weeds in the field.

Helping Roots Grow Well

The raised lines give roots a good space to grow, making sure they can spread out and get the nutrients they need.

3. Laser Land Leveler: Precision in Land Grading:

Laser Land Leveler

The Laser Land Leveler is a modern farming tool that uses laser technology to make sure the land is very level. Farmers like it because it's very accurate and helps get the fields ready for planting. Here are some good things about the Laser Land Leveler:

Making the Ground Very Even

The Laser Land Leveler uses lasers to make the ground very level so that crops can grow evenly.

Saving Water

When the land is level, water can be used better, and less water is wasted. It helps save water on the farm.

Helping Crops Grow Well

With a level field, all the plants get the same amount of water and nutrients so that they can grow the same way.

Protecting the Soil

A flat field made by the Laser Land Leveler stops soil from washing away, making farming more sustainable.

4. Box Blade: Versatile Tool for Grading and Shaping:

Box Blade

The Box Blade, also called a box scraper, is a useful tool for getting the land ready for farming. It looks like a box with blades and adjustable parts. Here's what a Box Blade does:

Making the Ground Even

Box Blades are good at making the ground flat and even, so it's ready for planting crops.

Spreading Materials

The adjustable parts on the Box Blade can spread things like gravel, soil, or other stuff, making the soil better for growing crops.

Breaking Down Soil

The blades on the Box Blade help break down big chunks of soil, making it smooth and ready for planting seeds.

Managing Water

Box Blades can also be used to make channels for water to flow, preventing too much water and helping with drainage.

5. Check Basin Former: Efficient Water Conservation in Agriculture:

Check Basin Former

The Check Basin Former, also called a bund former, is a tool that helps save water in farming. It makes check basins or bunds, which are like small ponds for water. Here's what it does:

Saving Rainwater

The Check Basin Former makes basins that catch rainwater so farmers can use it later to water their crops.

Stopping Water from Running Away

By making bunds, it stops water from running away, making sure it soaks into the ground and helps the plants.

Protecting from Soil Erosion

Check basins help stop soil from washing away with the water, especially on slopes.

Keeping Soil Moist

The bunds made by the Check Basin Former keep the soil moist, giving a steady supply of water to the crops.

Final Thoughts

In farming, getting the land ready is super important. New tools like the Puddler, Ridger, Laser Land Leveler, Box Blade, and Check Basin Former are changing the way we prepare the land. These tools make things easier, save water, keep the soil healthy, and help us grow more crops. As farmers use these cool tools, the future of farming looks bright, with better ways to get the land ready for more people.

Akshay Pokharkar
Published By
Akshay Pokharkar
Akshay holds a B.Tech in agriculture engineering from Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth. He is an expert in tractors and implements. With over 6 years of experience in the tractor industry, he is known to simplify even the most complex technical things. An avid YouTuber by choice, he is currently working as a Senior Content Manager.
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