
Permaculture Farming in India: Meaning, Principles and Examples

Updated on 23rd February, 2024, By Neesha Rathod
Permaculture Farming in India: Meaning, Principles and Examples
Permaculture farming is all about growing crops in sync with the nature. It is a sustainable method of producing food. The techniques of permaculture farming include polyculture, agroforestry, mulching, composting, and companion farming.

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Growing food in harmony with nature is becoming more popular these days. One way to do this is called permaculture farming. It's basically designing farms like natural ecosystems so they're good for the environment and produce lots of food.

This blog will tell you all about what is permaculture farming, permaculture in India, its main ideas and how some people are already using it.

What is Permaculture Farming?

Imagine a farm that works like a mini forest, where everything helps each other grow strong and healthy. That's what permaculture farming meaning is all about. It's a way of growing food that mimics nature, where plants, animals, the soil, and even people work together as a team.

Instead of fighting against nature, permaculture farms learn from it, planting lots of different things close together (like in a forest) and using resources wisely. This makes the farm more resilient, meaning it can handle challenges like weather changes and pests better.

In simple words, permaculture is about working with nature, not against it. The techniques of permaculture farming include polyculture, Agroforestry, mulching, Composting and companion farming.

Three Core Principles of Permaculture Farming

The core principles of permaculture farming are care for the Earth, people, and fair share:

  • Care for the Earth: All living things must thrive side-by-side. That's the goal of protecting our planet. Just like plants need healthy soil to grow, humans need a healthy Earth to survive. By taking care of our planet, we're ensuring a bright future for ourselves and every living thing.
  • Care for the People: Giving people the ability to get the things they need to live, like food and clean water, is crucial for building a world where everyone can thrive.
  • Fair Share: Only take what you need and use any extra wisely. If there's a surplus, consider contributing to the other main principles. This involves recycling waste products to make them useful again.

12 Guiding Principles of Permaculture Farming

Bill Mollison and David Holmgren came up with the term permaculture in 1978. The ideas of Holmgren can be boiled down to 12 key principles:

  • Observe and engage: Learn about your land, weather, and resources before making any changes.
  • Catch and Store Energy: Harvest resources like Rainwater Harvesting and sunlight for later use.
  • Obtain a Yield: Produce food, energy, and other resources from your land.
  • Self-Regulation and Feedback: Understand what works and what doesn't and adjust your system accordingly.
  • Renewable Resources: Permaculture farmers mainly use things that can be replaced naturally, like sunlight, water, and organic matter, to fulfil their farming needs.
  • No Waste: Reduce waste and find new uses for existing resources.
  • Design with Nature: Permaculture farms patterns and processes observed in nature. They produce more and can handle challenges better.
  • Integrate: Blend different parts to make varied and useful systems.
  • Small and Slow Solutions: Start small, experiment, and build incrementally.
  • Diversity: Permaculture focuses on having many different types of plants and animals. Planting various crops helps make a strong system that can better handle pests, diseases, and changes in the weather.
  • Use Edges: Look closely at places where different things come together. Make use of areas that might seem unproductive.
  • Creatively Use and Repurpose: Never stop learning and improving your system.

State of Permaculture Farming in India

In 1986, a guy named Bill Mollison brought permaculture, a cool way of farming that works with nature, to India. He held workshops to teach farmers and groups about it. With the help of an organisation called the Deccan Development Society, they built the first-ever permaculture farm in India in the Zahaeerabad district in Andhra Pradesh.

Since then, permaculture has become super popular, with farms, events, and groups all over the country. Many farmers love it because it's good for the environment and helps them grow more food.

In 2016, permaculture took a big leap in India. An organisation called Aranya Agricultural Alternatives held a first meeting (National Permaculture Convergence) with over 1,000 farmers and experts to share ideas and learn from each other. This meeting sparked the India Permaculture Network, which helps spread the word about permaculture all over the country. India even hosted the 13th International Permaculture Convergence, focusing on building healthy communities.

Permaculture Farming Examples in India

Permaculture is not just an idea. It is changing lives in India. Let's explore some examples of permaculture farming in the country:

Aranya Permaculture Farm, Maharashtra

Aranya is a permaculture farm in Maharashtra that works with nature. They grow all sorts of stuff, like fruits, vegetables and even medicinal plants, all while being kind to the Earth.

They collect rainwater instead of wasting it, make their own Organic Manure from food scraps, and use natural ways to keep pests away.

Vanya Jeevan, Uttarakhand

Vanya Jeevan grows food organically, uses water wisely, and even saves traditional seeds passed down through generations. It's all about helping the environment and showing others How to Farm Sustainably in the mountains.

Auroville, Tamil Nadu

Auroville works keeping nature in mind. Instead of using harsh chemicals, they rely on Organic Farming, planting trees alongside crops, and even building their structures using eco-friendly materials. This helps the environment, protects different kinds of plants and animals, and lets them grow enough food for themselves.

Benefits of Permaculture Farming for India

The benefits of permaculture farming include water conservation, farmer empowerment and healthy ecosystems. Here's how permaculture can benefit India:

  • Cool Water, Happy Land: Permaculture uses water wisely and keeps soil healthy, which is super important with changing weather patterns.
  • Small Farms, Big Results: With fewer resources needed, permaculture helps small farmers grow more food, making their lives easier.
  • Nature's Party: Diverse plants and animals thrive in permaculture farms, protecting endangered species and keeping the environment happy.


Permaculture farming in India offers a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to agriculture. It emphasizes the harmonious integration of human dwellings, microclimate, annual and perennial plants, animals, soils, and water management strategies. By adopting permaculture practices, Indian farmers can enhance food security, restore soil health, conserve water, and increase biodiversity.

Neesha Rathod
Published By
Neesha Rathod
Neesha holds a bachelor’s degree in agriculture and a postgraduate degree in Rural Management. With over 10 years of experience in agriculture and the rural sector, she is a quick problem solver. She is inquisitive and has a deep analytics insight into any issues related to agriculture. She loves to travel and explore new places.
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