Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) was introduced by the Government of India in 2015 to improve water access to farms. Due to dependence on monsoons, farmers face water scarcity, which results in crop failure. Also, they face limited access to irrigation water because of the uneven distribution of rainfall. Another major issue is insufficient and outdated irrigation infrastructure, which causes water wastage.
The water table is continuously depleting as groundwater is being extracted extensively. All these factors make access to water highly challenging for Indian farmers and result in reduced crop yields. To address these issues, the government started PMKSY to ensure efficient water management. This flagship program covers several water-saving initiatives to enhance crop productivity and ensure water use efficiency.
Go through the article to learn more about all the PMKSY scheme details, including Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana launch date, objectives and PMKSY benefits.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana is a centrally sponsored scheme launched with the motto of ‘Har Khet Ko Pani’. The PMKSY launch date is 1st July 2015. Its key goals include the expansion of cultivated areas under assured irrigation, improvement in water use efficiency and reduction in water wastage.
PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana also aims to promote protective irrigation with the help of rainwater harvesting. This is being achieved through programs like ‘Jal Sinchan’ and ‘Jal Sanchay’. This scheme offers subsidies to farmers to take up micro-irrigation practices and achieve ‘Per drop - More crop’.
PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana primarily focuses on water management and conservation. Following are the noteworthy Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana benefits:
The following are the eligibility criteria for PMSKY:
Eligible farmers can apply for the PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana through offline or online (MIS) mode. They can contact the Kisan Call Centre or the Agriculture Officer of your Block or District. Then, they need to fill in the required details in the application form received from the concerned authority.
Mandatory documents have to be attached, and the form must be signed. Following is the list of documents required:
The last step is to submit the form to the designated receiving authority and get a receipt for successful submission. It is important to note that the beneficiaries will receive financial assistance via the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme.
The programme components of PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana are:
This component of PMKSY aims to complete the ongoing medium and major irrigation projects faster. This flagship programme offers financial assistance to these projects. The Ministry of Jal Shakti is responsible for completing projects under AIBP. In 2023, 53 projects were reported to be completed.
HKKP aims to increase the cultivable area that is covered under assured irrigation. The Command Area Development & Water Management programme (CADWM) funds this component.
The HKKP component aims to:
The focus of this component is on managing runoff water effectively and improvement in soil and moisture conservation activities. It includes in-situ moisture conservation, rainwater harvesting, ridge area treatment and drainage line treatment. During 2015-22, an additional 14.54 lakh hectares area was covered under protective irrigation.
For 2021-26, the water development component will continue with a budget allocation of INR 8,134 crore. Upon NITI Aayog's recommendation, Springshed rejuvenation has been added to this component.
Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has implemented this component from 2015-22. The goal of the Per Drop – More Crop component is to maximise the efficiency of water use at the farm level. It focuses on micro-irrigation and encourages activities like drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and Supplementary Water Management Activities (SWMA).
Small and marginal farmers receive financial assistance at 55% to install micro-irrigation systems. This assistance is 45% for other farmers. Under PDMC, 83.06 lakh hectares of the area have come under micro-irrigation from 2015-23. Also, PDMC was transferred under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) in 2022-23.
PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana has come a long way in increasing water use efficiency. It has resulted in reduced water wastage and the expansion of assured irrigation areas. Its success has led the government to increase the budgetary allocation for the scheme from INR 7031.10 crore in 2023-24 to INR 9339.37 crore in 2024-25. As a result, the overall budgetary allocation to the scheme stands at INR 93,068 crore for the period FY 2022 – 2026.
In India, 51% agricultural land is under irrigation, meaning,49% farmland is still dependent upon monsoon. Also, water wastage and water shortages are the main concerns. Thus, providing effective, efficient and sustainable irrigation is key to increasing productivity in agriculture, and PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana will go a long way in achieving these objectives.
The launch date of PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana is 1st July 2015.
The key features of PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana are the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program, Har Khet Ko Pani, Per Drop More Crop and Watershed Development.
PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana is important as it aims to achieve improved water use efficiency and reduced water wastage when India struggles with water shortage.