
How to Grow Sugarcane in India: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated on 24th February, 2024, By Arpit Srivastava
How to Grow Sugarcane in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Sugarcane is one of the most important cash crops of India. Its cultivation requires suitable soil and climate in the region where it is grown. The proper planting method, seeding technique, weed management and harvesting ensures that sugarcane yields are higher.

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Sugarcane is an important cash crop in India and it is the main raw material for sugar industry, which is the second largest agro-based industry in India after textiles. Today, about 50 million farmers and their families grow sugarcane in India. In this blog, we will explain how to grow sugarcane from seeding to harvesting.

Step By Step Guide for Sugarcane Cultivation in India

Sugarcane cultivation is done in different stages starting from seeding and ending with harvesting. Typically, planting occurs from January to March, and harvesting is done from December to March. Usually, sugarcane takes around one year to mature in subtropical states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, etc. Depending on the variety and sowing time, sugarcane crop duration can vary from 12 to 18 months.

Soil Requirement

Sugarcane Cultivation - soil requirement

Sugarcane grows well in good, fertile soils that drain water properly. Knowing what kind of soil is needed is important for successful farming.

Key Points

  • Soil Type: Heavy soils with good drainage are preferred for sugarcane cultivation. Even though it can grow well on light to medium textured with proper irrigation.
  • pH Levels: The best soil pH for sugarcane is between 6.5 and 7.5. Testing the soil helps figure out the pH and lets farmers make needed changes.
  • Organic Matter: Sugarcane requires soil with 0.6% carbon content, thus adding organic matter makes the soil better and more fertile.

Climate Requirement

Sugarcane Cultivation - climate requirement

Sugarcane is a crop that likes warm and humid weather, typical of tropical and subtropical regions. Knowing what climate, it needs is important for it to grow well.

Key Points

  • Temperature: Sugarcane likes it warm. The best temperature range for it to grow is between 20°C to 30°C.
  • Rainfall: It needs a good amount of rainfall during the growing season, spread out evenly. But in places where there's not enough rain, farmers use irrigation to make sure the sugarcane gets enough water.
  • Sunlight: Sugarcane loves sunlight. It needs a lot of sunlight for the process of photosynthesis and to store sugar in its stalks.

Planting Method

Sugarcane Cultivation - planting method

The way sugarcane is planted is crucial for how much it will produce. Usually, trench method, deep furrow, paired row method and ring pit method is preferred for planting sugarcane.

Key Points

  • Sett Selection: Sugarcane is usually grown from pieces of the stalk called "setts." Pick setts that are healthy, free from diseases, and have at least one bud for planting.
  • Planting Depth: Deep ploughing up to 30 cm depth is necessary for planting sugarcane. One can use Disc Plough or Mouldboard Plough for this purpose. Plant the setts horizontally in furrows at a depth of 5 to 7 cm. Planting the setts too deep or too shallow can affect how well the sugarcane sprouts and grows.
  • Row Spacing: Keep enough space between rows, usually around 45 to 120 cm. It ensures the plants have room to grow properly, making tasks like weeding and harvesting easier.

Seeding Technique

Sugarcane Cultivation - seeding technique

New methods in sugar cane plantations have made it better for farmers. These techniques help the sugarcane seeds grow well and make the overall crop healthier.

Key Points

  • Pre-Planting Treatment: Before planting, the setts can be treated with fungicides or bioagents to stop diseases in the soil. It helps the crop stay healthy as it grows.
  • Single-Bud Planting: In modern practices, some farmers plant single-bud setts instead of whole stalks. This way, they use planting material more efficiently, and it can result in better crop yields.

Water Management

Sugarcane Cultivation - water management

It is important to manage water properly to grow sugarcane well and get good sugar content in the stalks.

Key Points

  • Irrigation: Sugarcane needs regular and steady watering while it's growing. Different methods like drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, or furrow irrigation can be used, depending on the water available.
  • Avoid Waterlogging: Good drainage in the soil is necessary to avoid waterlogging. Too much water can cause root rot and other diseases. So, having proper drainage systems helps remove excess water.

Fertiliser Requirement

Sugarcane Cultivation - fertiliser requirement

Using the right fertilisers is crucial for giving sugarcane crops the nutrients they need and getting the best yields.

Key Points

  • Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium: Sugarcane needs specific nutrients like nitrogen for stalk growth, phosphorus for roots, and potassium for overall plant health.
  • Soil Testing: Testing the soil helps figure out what nutrients it lacks. Farmers can then use fertilisers that provide the nutrients their fields need.
  • Organic Fertilisers: Using things like well-rotted manure or compost adds nutrients to the soil and helps with sustainable farming.

Weed Management

Sugarcane Cultivation - weed management

Keeping weeds under control is vital for a healthy sugarcane crop and better yields.

Key Points

  • Cultural Practices: Having the right space between rows and cultivating between them helps manage weeds manually. Weeding at the right time ensures that weeds don't take away nutrients and sunlight from sugarcane plants.
  • Herbicides: Using specific herbicides carefully can control weeds without hurting the sugarcane. Applying herbicides at certain growth stages helps avoid any harm to the crop.

Harvesting Sugarcane

Sugarcane Cultivation - harvesting

Harvesting is a crucial step in sugarcane cultivation, signifying the end of careful cultivation.

Key Points

  • Harvesting Time: Sugarcane harvesting time is usually between 10 to 18 months after planting, depending on the type and growing conditions. Harvesting at the right time ensures the highest sugar content in the stalks.
  • Cutting Height: During harvesting, sugarcane stalks are cut close to the ground. Cutting height is essential for maximising yield and allowing the next crop to grow.
  • Mechanised Harvesting: Nowadays, harvesting machines like sugarcane harvesters are used. These machines can cut, collect, and load sugarcane, making the process more efficient and reducing the need for manual labour.


Cultivating sugarcane in India involves considering various factors like soil, climate, planting methods, seeding technology, water, and fertiliser management, weed control, and harvesting. With the right knowledge, farmers can improve sugarcane yields. Read Top 10 Sugarcane Producing States in India.

Arpit Srivastava
Published By
Arpit Srivastava
Arpit holds a B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Babu Banarasi Das Northern India Institute of Technology. He is a professional content writer having skillset of writing top quality research based content for various niche and industries. With over 7 years of experience, he holds expertise in writing SEO-friendly content on a wide range of topics related to agriculture, tractors, and farm implements. In his free time, he loves to explore new places, try different cuisines, and play sports like cricket and badminton.
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