
What is Integrated Farming System in India? Components and Importance

Updated on 09th February, 2024, By Akshay Pokharkar
What is Integrated Farming System in India? Components and Importance
Integrated Farming System is a sustainable and holistic approach to agriculture in India. It involves integrating multiple agricultural components such as crops, livestock, poultry, fishery, and agroforestry in a synergistic manner. Its main components include crop diversity, livestock integration, agro forestry, and aquaculture, among others.

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Agriculture forms the backbone of India's economy, and the country has a rich tradition of farming practices. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on adopting sustainable and holistic approaches to farming. One such approach gaining popularity is the Integrated Farming System (IFS).

This blog is created to explore the meaning, components, and advantages of Integrated Farming System in India, along with its disadvantages.

Meaning of Integrated Farming System

Integrated Farming System is an agricultural system that combines various farming activities and practices to optimise resource utilisation, increase productivity, and enhance sustainability. It involves integrating multiple agricultural components such as crops, livestock, poultry, fishery, and agroforestry in a synergistic manner. The aim is to create a balanced and self-sustaining farming system that maximises output while minimising input costs and environmental impact.

Components of Integrated Farming System

The various components of this farming system are provided below:

Crop Diversity

Integrated Farming System promotes the cultivation of a diverse range of crops. It includes food crops and cash crops to ensure a balanced nutrient cycle, reduce pest and disease incidence, and provide income stability to farmers.

Livestock Integration

Livestock plays a vital role in an Integrated Farming System. It involves integrating livestock such as cows, goats, sheep, or poultry with crop cultivation. Livestock provides manure for organic fertilisation, draught power, and additional income through milk, meat, or egg production.


It is the practice of integrating trees or perennial plants with crops and livestock. It helps in soil conservation, provides shade and shelter to animals, and enhances biodiversity. Agroforestry also offers additional income opportunities through the sale of timber, fruits, and medicinal plants.


In areas with suitable water resources, the Integrated Farming System incorporates fishery or aquaculture components. Fish farming in ponds or tanks provides an additional source of protein and income diversification.

Nutrient Management

Integrated Farming System emphasises efficient nutrient management. It involves the use of organic manure, crop residues, green manure, and bio-fertilisers to replenish soil nutrients naturally and reduce dependence on chemical fertilisers.

Water Management

Water conservation and efficient utilisation are crucial aspects of an Integrated Farming System. Techniques like drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and the use of efficient irrigation systems are employed to optimise water resources.

Advantages of Integrated Farming System

The importance of this farming system is provided below:

Increased Productivity

Integrated Farming System promotes synergies among different farming components, leading to increased productivity. Integrating crops, livestock, and aquaculture creates a balanced nutrient cycle, reduces pest and disease incidence, and maximises resource utilisation.

Resource Conservation

By diversifying farming activities and utilising available resources efficiently, the Integrated Farming System helps in conserving natural resources. It reduces soil erosion, prevents nutrient depletion, conserves water, and promotes biodiversity.

Income Diversification

Integrated Farming System offers multiple income streams for farmers. Through crop cultivation, livestock rearing, and agroforestry, farmers can generate revenue throughout the year, reducing their dependency on a single crop or activity.

Sustainable Farming

Integrated Farming System follows sustainable agricultural practices. It reduces the use of synthetic inputs, minimises chemical pollution, and promotes integrated organic farming methods. It also enhances soil health, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes to environmental conservation.

Rural Employment

Integrated Farming System creates employment opportunities in rural areas. The integration of different farming components requires additional labour, leading to increased employment opportunities for the local community.

Food Security

By diversifying crop cultivation and incorporating livestock and aquaculture, Integrated Farming System contributes to food security. It ensures a regular supply of food, promotes dietary diversity, and reduces dependence on external sources.

Risk Mitigation

Diversification of farming activities in an Integrated Farming System helps in managing risks associated with weather conditions, market fluctuations, and pests or diseases. If one component faces challenges, other components can provide a buffer against potential losses.

Social and Economic Benefits

Integrated Farming System creates employment opportunities in rural areas. It helps in improving livelihoods, reducing migration to urban areas, and enhancing the socio-economic well-being of farming communities.

Disadvantages of the Integrated Farming System

Some limitations of the integrated agriculture model are listed below:

Initial Investment

Implementing an Integrated Farming System may require initial investments in infrastructure, equipment, and training. Farmers may need to adapt their traditional practices, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Knowledge and Skill Requirement

Successful implementation of an Integrated Farming System demands knowledge and skills in multiple farming activities. Farmers need to be educated and trained on various components, management techniques, and integration strategies.

Complexity and Management

Managing different components and their interactions can be difficult. Farmers need to have a better understanding of each component's requirements, potential challenges, and effective management practices. It may increase the complexity of farm operations.

Market Constraints

Integrated Farming System requires market access for a diverse range of products. Farmers may face challenges in finding appropriate markets for all their produce, especially if there is limited demand or infrastructure for certain components.

Time and Effort

Integrated Farming System demands continuous monitoring, coordination, and integrated management. Farmers need to invest time and effort in maintaining the balance and ensuring proper management of each component.

Limited Suitability

Integrated agriculture systems may not be suitable for all regions or types of farming systems. The success of integration depends on various factors such as land availability, water resources, climatic conditions, and market demand. It may not be feasible or suitable in certain contexts.

Overall, the Integrated Farming System has numerous advantages, such as increased productivity, resource conservation, income diversification, and sustainability. On the other hand, it also crete challenges related to initial investments, knowledge requirements, market constraints, and management complexity. Farmers need to carefully assess their specific circumstances and resources before adopting the Integrated Farming System model.


Integrated Farming System is a sustainable and holistic approach to agriculture in India. Integrating various farming components optimises resource utilisation, increases productivity, and promotes environmental sustainability. It offers income stability, resource conservation, and rural employment opportunities. The integrated farming system effectively addresses the challenges faced by Indian agriculture while ensuring food security and economic prosperity for farmers. It is a farming system with immense potential to transform the country's agricultural landscape.

We hope this blog is able to showcase a bright picture of the integrated agriculture system in India. If you want to study more about various farming systems, stay tuned with Tractorkarvan.

Akshay Pokharkar
Published By
Akshay Pokharkar
Akshay holds a B.Tech in agriculture engineering from Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth. He is an expert in tractors and implements. With over 6 years of experience in the tractor industry, he is known to simplify even the most complex technical things. An avid YouTuber by choice, he is currently working as a Senior Content Manager.
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