Animal Husbandry

Understanding Different Approaches Under Integrated Livestock Farming System

Updated on 03rd January, 2024, By Abhijeet Warak
Understanding Different Approaches Under Integrated Livestock Farming System
Integrated Livestock Farming System is the way of using resources more efficiently by bringing together animals, crops, poultry and fisheries. There are various approaches under this system which includes crop livestock farming system, crop livestock fishery farming system, crop livestock backyard poultry farming system, and many others.

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In the pursuit of sustainable and diversified agricultural practices, Integrated Livestock Farming Systems (ILFS) have become a smart way to bring together crops, animals, poultry, and fisheries. This approach helps to use resources well and makes farming more resilient and productive.

In this blog, we'll talk about different ways of doing Integrated Livestock Farming Systems. Each of these ways is designed to make the different parts of farming work together in the best possible way.

Different Approaches Under Integrated Livestock Farming System

Here, we have discussed some of the approaches under ILFS. Let’s take a look:

Crop Livestock Farming System

Intgerated Livestock Farming System - Crop livestock farming system

The Crop Livestock Farming System is about combining crop cultivation and animal rearing in a balanced way. In this system:

  • Crop Cultivation: Farmers grow crops and also raise animals at the same time. The leftover parts of the crops, like stems and leaves, are food for the animals, and the waste from the animals helps the crops grow better.
  • Resource Optimisation: This system makes the most of resources by reusing nutrients. Animals, like cows or goats, eat the leftover parts of the crops, so farmers don't need to buy as much animal food from outside.

The Crop Livestock Farming System helps the farm be more sustainable by keeping the nutrients cycling within the farm. It makes the soil better and reduces the need for stuff from outside.

Crop Livestock Fishery Farming System

Intgerated Livestock Farming System - Crop livestock fishery farming system

This method combines growing crops, raising animals, and farming fish, which aims to make all these parts work well together. Important things about it are:

  • Fish Farming: Fish tanks or ponds are added to the farm. Waste from animals is used as natural food for the fish, helping them grow.
  • Recycling Nutrients: Leftover parts of crops become food for animals, and animal waste goes into the water. It makes a cycle where everything helps each other grow.

The Crop Livestock Fishery Farming System shows how to intelligently use different things on the farm, making the farm better and bringing in more money.

Crop Livestock Backyard Poultry Farming System

Intgerated Livestock Farming System - Crop livestock backyard poultry farming system

This way of farming adds small-scale poultry farming to growing crops and raising animals, giving extra advantages:

  • Poultry Farming: Small poultry like chickens or ducks are raised with crops and other animals. These birds help control pests by eating insects, which helps protect crops.
  • Diversified Income Streams: Selling eggs and poultry meat gives farmers more ways to make money. Adding poultry to the farm products makes the business more stable economically.

The Crop Livestock Backyard Poultry Farming System not only makes the farm's nutrients work better but also gives farmers more ways to earn money.

Crop Livestock Poultry Fishery Farming System

Intgerated Livestock Farming System - Crop livestock poultry fishery farming system

Expanding the integration even more, this method combines growing crops, raising animals, having poultry, and fish farming. Important parts include:

  • Complete Integration: Animals, poultry, and fish are all connected, making a complete farming system. Leftover crops, animal waste, and poultry litter all help with nutrients.
  • Economic Success: Having a variety of products like crops, animals, poultry, and fish helps economically. This way, the farm is less affected by changes in just one part of the market.

The Crop Livestock Poultry Fishery Farming System shows a complete way of farming, making the best use of different parts for sustainable farming.

Crop Livestock Fishery Biogas/Vermicomposting System

Intgerated Livestock Farming System - Crop livestock fishery biogas/vermicomposting system

This new method adds biogas and vermicomposting to the regular Crop Livestock Fishery Farming System, giving extra benefits for the environment and money:

  • Making Biogas: Waste from animals is used to make biogas for energy. The leftovers from making biogas help make good fertilisers.
  • Using Worms: Worms are used to break down organic stuff, making more nutrients for crops. This worm-made compost is great for the soil.

The Crop Livestock Fishery Biogas/Vermicomposting System is about using renewable energy and reusing nutrients, making farming more sustainable and friendly to the environment.

Small Ruminants-Silvipastoral Farming System

Intgerated Livestock Farming System - Small ruminants-Silvipastoral farming system

This way of farming adds small ruminants (like goats or sheep) to a system that includes trees, called silvipastoral farming:

  • Adding Trees: Trees and bushes are planted in specific places to give shade and food to small ruminants. This mix of trees, crops, and animals helps make a balanced and strong farm.
  • Eating and Grazing: Small ruminants eat tree leaves and graze on the land, helping control weeds and keeping the plants in balance.

The Small Ruminants-Silvipastoral Farming System is an example of including animals with trees in a way that's good for the environment and soil.

Benefits of Integrated Livestock Farming Systems

  • Using Resources Well: Integrated Livestock Farming Systems use land, water, and nutrients in a smart way, making the whole farm more productive.
  • More Ways to Earn: By combining different things on the farm, farmers can make money from many sources. It helps them not rely too much on just one thing and makes their income more stable.
  • Making Soil Better: Waste from animals and leftover plants helps improve the soil, so farmers don't need to use as much outside stuff.
  • Less Pests and Weeds: Animals like chickens and small animals help control pests and weeds without needing chemicals.
  • Keeping Things Going: Integrated systems copy how nature works, making farms more sustainable, diverse, and able to handle changes in the environment.

Challenges of Integrated Livestock Farming Systems

  • Learning and Training: Farmers need to learn a lot and keep learning to use integrated systems well. Training programs are important.
  • Selling Stuff: It can be hard to sell all the different things from integrated systems. Connecting to markets and making a good system to sell products is important for making money.
  • Spending Money and Building Things: In the beginning, farmers might need to spend a lot of money on things like biogas machines or fishponds. Getting money for these things can be a challenge.
  • Watching and Taking Care: Integrated systems are complicated, so farmers need to watch and take care of them a lot. Making sure everything works well together is key to making the system successful.

Final Thoughts

Integrated Livestock Farming Systems are a smart and sustainable way to do farming. They bring together crops, animals, chickens, and fish to work together. These systems help with things like reusing nutrients, making different ways to make money, and taking care of the environment. Using integrated systems is a good way to farm that keeps things in balance, making sure we produce a lot while also taking care of the environment.

Abhijeet Warak
Published By
Abhijeet Warak
With over 2 years of experience, Abhijeet is a seasoned tractor and implement expert with an M.Tech (Agri) (FMP) from Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth. His knowledge is rooted in practical experience and academic excellence.
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