Don’t know which tractor to buy? No worries, Tractorkarvan has more than 600 tractor models listed from around 30 tractor brands, including John Deere, Mahindra, Swaraj, New Holland, etc. Here, you get detailed specifications, prices, expert reviews, and user ratings to make a wise and informed decision that suits your particular crop, land size, and farm or non-farm operation.
Moreover, we have categorized tractors based on their HP and prices to help you find your best tractor online as per your farming need and budget Simply click on “Get On Road Price”, fill in your contact number and relax; our representatives will connect and assist you in your buying journey.
Tractorkarvan is a one-stop digital platform for all the crucial information you need on Tractors and farm implements. We have designed this platform with features that will enable you to learn, buy, sell, and finance farm machinery without any hassle. We have provided well-researched, authentic and detailed information on new tractors, used tractors, implements, harvesters, tractor tyres, tractor dealers, etc.
We have listed all major categories of tractors available in the market:
Want to buy a used tractor? Here, we have 1700+ used tractors available from various brands in good condition. You can buy your desired used tractor as per your budget. Just click on “Get Seller Detail” and be ready to connect with the seller. Moreover, you can also get a used tractor loan to buy a second-hand tractor on easy EMIs.
You can even sell your used tractor on the platform and save the time you would have spent on finding a potential buyer. Just list your used tractor on our platform by following simple steps, and make your tractor available to authentic buyers across India. In order to understand what is your used tractor market value, you can explore it through our Tractor Valuation tool and quote the right price.
There are over 2500 implement models of rotavators, ploughs, threshers, etc., listed on the platform from 50+ top brands like Shaktiman, Mahindra, Maschio Gaspardo, Fieldking, Lemken and so on.
Additionally, you can find information on 240+ tractor front and rear tyres from top brands like MRF, CEAT, Apollo, etc.
More than 50 harvester models, along with their key features and specifications from 15+ brands, are listed on the platform. Here, we have segregated the harvester models based on crop types for your convenience.
Selecting the right tractor, implements, harvesters, or tractor tyres as per your farm requirement is often a difficult task. Now, with our compare tractors feature along with comparison tools for implements, harvesters, and tractor tyres, you can directly compare the specs and prices of any two models and choose the right one for you.
Getting home your favorite tractor through easy tractor loan process is just few steps away! The processing of Tractor loans, Loan Against Old Tractor, and farm implement loans is quick and hassle-free on Tractorkarvan. Find tractor loan options with higher funding rate, attractive interest rates and minimal documentation.
Now, you can make your buying journey more comprehensive and streamlined with our well-researched Tractorkarvan Blogs, Tractor & Farm Machinery Videos, and Web Stories.
Moreover, you can locate Tractor Dealers near you in your state and district and also become a certified dealer on our platform. We also have listed used cars and used commercial vehicles for sale. Furthermore, you can share your review for a particular tractor model based on your experience.
Yes, it is worth buying a used tractor in India as they are more affordable than new tractors. A used tractor offers good value for money.
The top things to inspect before buying a used tractor include engine condition, oil leakage, clutch condition, tyre condition and hydraulic functioning.
There are 50 types of implements available on Tractorkaravn. The popular implement types are rotavator, cultivator, MB plough, disc plough, power harrow and hydraulic reversible MB plough.
Mahindra 575 is the best-selling tractor in India.
Mahindra is the no. 1 brand in India.
MRF is among the best tractor tyre brands in India.
The starting price of a harvester is INR 5.50 lakhs* in India.
The key factors to consider when buying a tractor include your budget, farm size, engine power (HP), crops and after-sales service.
The starting price of a tractor is 2.50 lakhs*.
Tractorkarvan is the best website on which you can buy a tractor.
Tractorkarvan provides hassle-free loan against tractor at attractive interest rates.